Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Accomplishes: Sundance George and Butch Reid and the Virginia Tech Massacre by Greg Palast

"But before we bring in the suspects for questioning, let's pull back the camera lens for the bigger picture. Because what we saw at Virginia Tech was just a concentrated node of a larger, nationwide killing spree that goes on day after day in the USA. Eighty-thousand Americans take a bullet from a hand gun in any year. Thirty-thousand die. That's one thousand shooting deaths off-camera for each victim at Virginia Tech."

The Accomplishes: Sundance George and Butch Reid and the Virginia Tech Massacre by Greg Palast (based on excerpt from Armed Madhouse)

He had accomplices. Don’t kid yourself: 23-year-old Cho Seung-hui didn’t forge his two little pistols in his smithy shop.
He had a dealer, a guns-and-bullets pusher-man who put the heat in his hand, took the kid’s money and pocketed it with a grin.
“Whether you are looking for a pistol for affordable training or simply the excitement of shooting, the P22 is the pistol for you!”
That’s the ad on the Walther website for the student-reaper, a Walther .22.
Continue reading ‘The Accomplices: Sundance George and Butch Reid and the Virginia Tech Massacre’

This report is adapted from, "Just Put Down that Lawsuit, Pardner, and No One Gets Hurt" in the Class War section of the new edition of Greg Palast's bestseller, "ARMED MADHOUSE: Sordid Secrets and Strange Tales of A White House Gone Wild." Order it now at before its official release next week.