Sunday, July 15, 2007

How to Destroy an African American City in Thirty-Three Steps - Lessons from Katrina by Bill Quigley

(Note from Michelle Karshan: This article reminds me a whole lot of the low-intensity conflict that Haiti endured/endures!)

from The Black Commentator:

"Step One. Delay. If there is one word that sums up the way to destroy an African-American city after a disaster, that word is DELAY. If you are in doubt about any of the following steps – just remember to delay and you will probably be doing the right thing.Step Two. When a disaster is coming, do not arrange a public evacuation. Rely only on individual resources. People with cars and money for hotels will leave. The elderly, the disabled and the poor will not be able to leave. Most of those without cars – 25% of households of New Orleans, overwhelmingly African-Americans – will not be able to leave. Most of the working poor, overwhelmingly African-American, will not be able to leave. Many will then permanently accuse the victims who were left behind of creating their own human disaster because of their own poor planning. It is critical to start by having people blame the victims for their own problems."

For full story:

The Black Commentator - June 28, 2007 - Issue 235

Bill Quigley is a law professor and Director of the Law Clinic and the Gillis Long Poverty Law Center at Loyola University New Orleans.